Safety awareness among our employees is vital to our operation. We are constantly evaluating our performances in order to reduce the risk of accidents or incidents involving crew, cargo, the environment or our vessels.


In our quality management system, we have a set of company policies on quality, safety and environmental pollution prevention that are available on request.

The policies have been developed in recognition of the international ISO9001:2000 and ISO14001 standards, as well as the International Safety Management System (ISM Code), and the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code). In addition, Lloyd's Register of Shipping and Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance have certified that the standards and codes before they were included in our quality management system.

ISO 9001 is the international standard defining systematic requirements for Quality Management Systems. It covers topics such as commitment to quality, customer focus, employee competence and process management.

ISO 14001 is the international standard for Environmental Management Systems. It addresses specific environmental aspects to find a balance between maintaining profitability and reducing environmental impact.

You find our ISO certificates here


Stricter environmental regulations are a positive step forward for everyone. Today, the environmental regulations within European waters are amongst the most stringent in the world. Our mission is; Compliance and beyond.

  • UECC will always meet or exceed all relevant EU and IMO regulations pertaining to greener shipping
  • UECC will retain ISO14001 accreditation across its commercial operations and owned vessels
  • UECC will always comply with or exceed MARPOL (Marine Pollution) and emission requirements in all Emission Control Areas in which it employs its vessels
  • UECC will continue to actively investigate and invest in technologies that viably support reductions in emissions and consumption
  • UECC will continue to systematically measure performance and adjust its operations to optimise efficiency, taking in to consideration our overall fleet and operations.